Investigating a sustainable future for public interest journalism


Investigating public interest journalism from all angles

A person standing behind a large film camera, with a fluffy microphone on the front. The person's face is hidden by the camera.

PIJI is developing and refining several projects that expand and build upon our current research into public interest journalism. This suite of projects will help to build a robust dataset informed by both rigorous qualitative and quantitative data, as well as by community and industry knowledge. Health Check On Local News In September 2022, PIJI […]

Regional Newspapers Inquiry

A stand of newspapers outside a shop. The shop is in darkness and the papers are in the foreground and lit up.

PIJI’s submission to the Regional Newspapers Inquiry was informed by data from our Australian News Data Project. It recommended a tax rebate for public interest journalism and for the funding and development of a project to gather and analyse core longitudinal data on regional newspapers. In March 2022 the inquiry adopted a number of PIJI’s recommendations into its final report. […]