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Blog Archive
Public Interest Journalism Initiative announces new CEO
Public Interest Journalism Initiative announces new CEO
$180.5M News MAP investment to drive much needed, two-speed approach for local news
$180.5M News MAP investment to drive much needed, two-speed approach for local news
News Bargaining Incentive drives long term investment
News Bargaining Incentive drives long term investment
PIJI’s October and November reports are published
PIJI’s October and November reports are published
September report with quarterly data is out
September report with quarterly data is out
August report focusses on NSW’s Tableland
August report focusses on NSW’s Tableland
PIJI at Senate Committee mis/disinformation hearing
PIJI at Senate Committee mis/disinformation hearing
July report focuses on North West, West Coast and Central Highlands, Tasmania
July report focuses on North West, West Coast and Central Highlands, Tasmania
Key Developments in Journalism and AI
Key Developments in Journalism and AI
June report focuses on East Gippsland and Wellington
June report focuses on East Gippsland and Wellington
Social media levy on the cards in escalation of news dispute
Social media levy on the cards in escalation of news dispute
PIJI Chair Allan Fels calls for a digital platforms levy
PIJI Chair Allan Fels calls for a digital platforms levy
PIJI’s May data shows rising of public interest journalism in WA Great Southern Region’s local print news outlets
PIJI’s May data shows rising of public interest journalism in WA Great Southern Region’s local print news outlets
PIJI CEO testifies before Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society
PIJI CEO testifies before Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society
Federal inquiry into social media
Federal inquiry into social media
Adelaide coverage subjects revealed in April report
Adelaide coverage subjects revealed in April report
Australian concern about mis/disinformation among highest in the world
Australian concern about mis/disinformation among highest in the world
Closures and openings on the Australian News Index in Feb
Closures and openings on the Australian News Index in Feb
Court and crime reporting down, community coverage up: ANSP 2023 report
Court and crime reporting down, community coverage up: ANSP 2023 report
Walkley webinar now online
Walkley webinar now online
Speech: Anna Draffin at the Productivity Commission’s philanthropy inquiry
Speech: Anna Draffin at the Productivity Commission’s philanthropy inquiry
Green shoots on the Australian News Index
Green shoots on the Australian News Index
PIJI joins the discussion around Meta’s withdrawal
PIJI joins the discussion around Meta’s withdrawal
Queensland extends journalist shield laws to CCC
Queensland extends journalist shield laws to CCC
Another uneven year for public interest journalism
Another uneven year for public interest journalism
New research release: The Socio-economic Determinants of Public Interest Journalism in Australia
New research release: The Socio-economic Determinants of Public Interest Journalism in Australia
PIJI holds first Future Focus roundtable
PIJI holds first Future Focus roundtable
One addition and one removal: November ANDR
One addition and one removal: November ANDR
First Nations storytellers ‘converge’ for conference
First Nations storytellers ‘converge’ for conference
New data set added to Australian News Index
New data set added to Australian News Index
Local and regional news a focus at JERAA conference
Local and regional news a focus at JERAA conference
PIJI News Update
PIJI News Update
Communications Minister addresses National Press Club
Communications Minister addresses National Press Club
Contractions continue in Australian news landscape: September and quarterly report
Contractions continue in Australian news landscape: September and quarterly report
King Island’s strong public interest journalism, and an increase in news outlets: August News Data Report
King Island’s strong public interest journalism, and an increase in news outlets: August News Data Report
Five birthday wishes from Croakey Health Media
Five birthday wishes from Croakey Health Media
PIJI extends news sampling to cover national referendum
PIJI extends news sampling to cover national referendum
PIJI marks World News Day
PIJI marks World News Day
Further closures, and a vibrant Darwin news market: July report
Further closures, and a vibrant Darwin news market: July report
Interview: Rebuilding local news in the US
Interview: Rebuilding local news in the US
Feedback open on funding and governance of ABC and SBS
Feedback open on funding and governance of ABC and SBS
Areas without print or digital news increase: PIJI research
Areas without print or digital news increase: PIJI research
Happy birthday to commercial radio!
Happy birthday to commercial radio!
The state of news in the UK
The state of news in the UK
“Local news is so important”: Professor Sora Park on Australia’s digital news landscape
“Local news is so important”: Professor Sora Park on Australia’s digital news landscape
New online safety codes registered
New online safety codes registered
Harbouring a passion for the facts: news in Fremantle
Harbouring a passion for the facts: news in Fremantle
May report release, news ownership data refined
May report release, news ownership data refined
Tropic Wonder: community-first focus in Cairns and surrounding regions
Tropic Wonder: community-first focus in Cairns and surrounding regions
“The story of us”: news on the Eyre Peninsula
“The story of us”: news on the Eyre Peninsula
PINF joins news mapping family
PINF joins news mapping family
ACMA seeks input on mis and disinformation power
ACMA seeks input on mis and disinformation power
April report release, new data on news outlet ownership
April report release, new data on news outlet ownership
The state of the media: Digital News Report 2023
The state of the media: Digital News Report 2023
March ANMP report shows 25 local government areas with no print or digital outlets.
March ANMP report shows 25 local government areas with no print or digital outlets.
What does the Ben Roberts-Smith trial mean for news?
What does the Ben Roberts-Smith trial mean for news?
AI vs Democracy: The battle is already here
AI vs Democracy: The battle is already here
Investigating public interest journalism from all angles
Investigating public interest journalism from all angles
Survey: News coverage of local councils
Survey: News coverage of local councils
Blurring the lines: journalism or council promotion?
Blurring the lines: journalism or council promotion?
Watch: PIJI’s Walkley Regional Journalism Summit session
Watch: PIJI’s Walkley Regional Journalism Summit session
Media diversity report takes up PIJI recommendations
Media diversity report takes up PIJI recommendations
PIJI showcases new research into philanthropy for journalism
PIJI showcases new research into philanthropy for journalism
ACMA disinformation code submission
ACMA disinformation code submission
Bucking the trend: Building a newsroom in regional Australia
Bucking the trend: Building a newsroom in regional Australia
Journalism’s new normal
Journalism’s new normal